Non-ionizing radiation is any electromagnetic radiation with insufficient energy per quantum to ionize atoms or molecules so as to eliminate an electron completely from the atom. On the contrary, EMF refers to electromotive force detection and measurement devices that are majorly used to prevent risk related to exposure to radiation and are used in both industrial and domestic settings. There are a number of areas where electromotive force detection and the benefits that it presents are not being looked at properly. Growing use of consumer electronic devices such as laptops, mobiles, and tablets as well as electrical devices such as refrigerators has increased the use of non-ionizing radiation/EMF detection, measurement, and safety devices.
One of the most important advantages is that the procedure is very effective in identifying harmful electromagnetic radiation. It is capable of detecting both electromagnetic fields that are in the form of waves and those that are in the form of particles. In addition, it can be used for detecting power line interactions, which are one of the major sources of power line related EMF contamination. Another important advantage is that it is cost-effective and produces fewer false-positive results.
Massive adoption of smartphones and other consumer electronic devices has led to increase in non-ionizing radiation pollution. Growing awareness among the masses regarding health risk has led to increase in demand for EMF detection rising adoption of electronic support measures (ESM) is expected to boost the use of non-ionization/EMF detection, measurement, and safety devices in the near future. However, there are some challenges associated with these devices typically rising demand for advanced and automated technology, which can hamper its adoption. Recently, in November 2020, Narda Safety Test Solutions, a German company, introduced a Selective Radiation Meter for code-selective measurements of 5G signals.
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